niuli Rebate

The first tool ever to fully automate the rebate calculation for your accural planning, invoice checking and profitability review.

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All rebates at your fingertips

The niuli Rebate automatically calculates exact rebates for your contracted products based on current price data and respective price anchors. Absolute and relative numbers are calculated based on the ex-manufacturer price for each of your products.

Incredibly well organized

The variety of contracts and products can easily get overwhelming. niuli Rebate offers a unique overview of your contracted products. Learn about currently and historically awarded products with visualized entry and drop-out dates per product and tender.

Tender evaluation in no time

Use niuli Rebate to easily check the financial impact of a contract participation for all the tenders that haven't even started and those you have not yet participated.

You got to take the time

Billing verification has never been that easy. Select the suitable historic price date to automatically calculate the discounts with just one click. Enter the number of invoiced units and voilá - everything done.

accurals as easy as never before

Accurate accurals are essential for your contracting business. niuli Rebate performs the exact calculation for your entire portfolio and reduces error potentials by applying intelligent algorithms.

Seamless integration

As with all niuli tools, you can use the .CSV export to share results and all important figures with colleagues or to incorporate the data into your existing workflows.

Annual subscription.
No set-up fee and as many user accounts as you like.

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